Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Who let the dogs out?

Yesterday was a busy day and I had to stay late at office. I left office by 9pm in the taxi. As I was nearing my house, I could see a bike at some distance ahead of us in the lonely road. A group of stray dogs, barking loudly were literally chasing him. The biker had both his legs in air and was speeding away.
Flash back – It was the night my uncle died. It was 10:30 in the night and I went to his house at Kumaraswamy layout. After 12 in the night, I and my cousin decided to get some coffee for the people there, as they were not supposed to light a fire in the house. I took my BMW (Bajaj motor works) scooter and started the drive towards my house. A group of stray dogs really attacked us. My cousins legs were up in air which made be loose balance. Frantic shouts from my cousin and the steep uphill road made me nervous. I was trying to speed away but was not able to. Shit scared we somehow (God knows how) escaped unhurt.
Dogs in groups at night are really dangerous. They scare the hell of you. On the way back we avoided the road. In Bangalore this stray dog menace is increasing. They get food from bakery spoils and meat shops, and of course from the house hold remains. I think the only way to avoid it is just don’t enter the road if you see dogs there in the night. May be this is not possible all times. Then use your driving skills and Pray God.

1 comment:

Sheetal Premnath said...

Ya very True